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Wow! What a week! Life aboard the Sopris was amazing! You gave us an equal dose of rest and adventure! Your hospitality went way beyond our expectations. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us!

The islands physical beauty – the lush greens of the tropical vegetation – the ribbons of white beaches – the sunsets with their rainbow colors were all ours thanks to the travels on the Sopris! You know – you can see all this from a large cruise ship as we’ve done in the past, but, you can’t experience and/or live the island ambiance on those large floating cities.

We loved the sailing (being under sail)! The old salt, Bob, was really enjoying himself. After lake sailing this was an amazing rush for him. It was great rolling with the seas and breathing that salt air. Thanks, Captain Chris!!

Beyond all the above, every day was such an adventure! Seeing the different islands – each with their own charms and amenities and the snorkeling! Each place you took us was better than the one before! This is the best snorkeling we’ve ever seen!!

Ok, now we get closer to our hearts. Our stomachs! Thank you, THANK YOU, Robin for the wonderful meals!! I really must admit that was my favorite part. All your meals were so creative and tasty!! You pampered us and spoiled me. It’ll be a long time before I forget the gourmet goodness you provided us!!

Need we say much about that Devil Rum?! How totally “on vacation” it is to sip Rum & Coke for lunch, before sunset, after sunset, etc….

The bottom line… this was the most wonderful week we’ve spent together as a couple!! It was the perfect way to celebrate our 25th Anniversary! Thank you from the top of our sunburned heads to the bottom of our sea legs (toes) for offering us such an experience!! Thank you for sharing your home! With our sincere appreciation!!

This has been one of the best vacations we have had. It is a fitting way to mark our tenth anniversary. The food, the sailing, the boat, the snorkeling, the weather, and the places we visited (some for the 1st time) were all superb. And we know that you arranged all of it even the weather. Bill says thanks for letting him drive the boat. She is fun to sail and he learned a lot about sailing and boat handling from Chris. The reach across Sir Francis Drake channel is something he will not soon forget. And he claims that it was not his fault that Mary & Robin got slightly damp. The snorkeling was fantastic – the best we ever had. Chris and Robin know all the good places. The Indians, Monkey Point, Christmas Cove & Gorda Sound Reef. We saw lots of Barracuda, Sea Turtles, Sting Rays, Lobsters, and billions of colorful and interesting fish & coral.

The whole feel of the trip was that we were made so comfortable. Chris & Robin welcomed us into their home, they were great company. They were gracious hosts, always available, always anticipating our needs. When Mary was ready to barf over the side of the boat, Robin worked her magic. Sopris was immaculate. It is obvious that Chris and Robin lavish a lot of love and care on her. Great food, well served, and well presented. A lot of effort went into creating the kind of meals we wanted. The menus were very creative.

This is the 3rd charter in the Virgin Islands and it has definitely been the best. Our only regret is that we have to leave tomorrow. But then again, maybe we will just stay!!

What started out a a well-planned introduction to sailing turned into an extraordinary adventure, a new friendship and a new insight into relaxation. Chris, as captain, you demonstrated all the qualities of leadership and professionalism, in a warm, friendly and pleasing manner. Your dedication to this end is obvious and your love of the sea an asset. Robin, as first mate, I suspect you will one day be a captain and I admire your willingness to learn. As a team, Annie & I could not have done better. Be it blind luck on our side or astute planning you made this a wonderful holiday. You packed into 4 days every possible adventure we could have planned. The sailing, swimming, snorkeling, boating, and laughing make our departure difficult. We look forward to returning. Accomodations and food were . We will be thinking of you often. Our best wishes for success and happiness. Your friendship is a wonderful bonus to a perfect cruise.

P.S. Thanks for introducing us to the Big 5 of the Virgin Islands: Turtles, Lizards, Donkeys, Goats, and Mongoose