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What started out a a well-planned introduction to sailing turned into an extraordinary adventure, a new friendship and a new insight into relaxation. Chris, as captain, you demonstrated all the qualities of leadership and professionalism, in a warm, friendly and pleasing manner. Your dedication to this end is obvious and your love of the sea an asset. Robin, as first mate, I suspect you will one day be a captain and I admire your willingness to learn. As a team, Annie & I could not have done better. Be it blind luck on our side or astute planning you made this a wonderful holiday. You packed into 4 days every possible adventure we could have planned. The sailing, swimming, snorkeling, boating, and laughing make our departure difficult. We look forward to returning. Accomodations and food were . We will be thinking of you often. Our best wishes for success and happiness. Your friendship is a wonderful bonus to a perfect cruise.

P.S. Thanks for introducing us to the Big 5 of the Virgin Islands: Turtles, Lizards, Donkeys, Goats, and Mongoose